Thursday, April 28, 2016

U.S. History II Categorizing

Place the following terms into 5 or 6 Categories. You and your partners will need to come up with the categories and make sure each team fits appropriately into each of you categories.

  1. Ho Chi Minh
  2. Vietminh
  3. Dien Bien Phu
  4. Domino Theory
  5. Geneva Accords
  6. Ngo Dinh Diem
  7. Vietcong 
  8. Ho Chi Minh Trail
  9. Tonkin Gulf Resolution
  10. Robert McNamara 
  11. Dean Rusk
  12. William Westmoreland
  13. ARVN
  14. Guerilla Warfare
  15. Body Count/War of Attrition
  16. Agent Orange
  17. Search and Destroy
  18. Troop Morale
  19. Credibility Gap
  20. "Manipulatable" Draft
  21. Tet Offensive
  22. MLK & RFK Assassinations
  23. Democratic Convention Riots
  24. Henry Kissenger
  25. Vietnamization
  26. My Lai Massacre
  27. Invasion of Cambodia
  28. Kent State Shooting
  29. Pentagon Papers
  30. Fall of Saigon
  31. War Powers Act

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